Last night as I was walking up the stairs in the dark I heard a familiar sound, it was loud and it was clear it was the sound of pup nails scratch on the carpet. Ralph would scratch the carpet and spin around in circles before sitting down. It was the strangest thing. It actually scared me and I was too scared to look around to see where the noise came from. I had flashes of the movie Pet Cemetery and it was not the thought of a zombie pet that frightened me it was the image I remember of the Zombie person coming back. After putting that creepy thought away I felt comfort in knowing my Ralph might actually have been sending me a sign. I told Blaine about this incident and how I must be losing my mind. He said he's thought he's heard the sound of his jingle jangle recently. The sound he would make with his collar and tags when he walked around.
When Ralph was of this living world he saved me from myself. Everyone has their own baggage and insecurities. His companionship was like no other. The first 2 weeks I was a wreck missing him. I'm still missing him immensely. However, I actually feel some sort of strength in trying to improve my life. I think he is sending me a sign to save me again.
May 31st 2010
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