2018 is the year of the great
Build A Bear promo disaster where July 12 was a pay your age for ANY Build A Bear furry friend. We marked it on our calendars and I had work so my mother signed up in case they ended up going. I decided to look on instagram and saw that people were outraged about the fiasco. Long story short the ended the promo because of the insane crowds at the stores and ended up sending out $15 coupons to those who signed up. A few weeks ago we took the opportunity to do the pay your age for the birthday specific bears (birthday treat bear) for both Ariel and Annabelle. I helped Ariel name her bear Ralpherella. I don't even remember what I named Annabelle's bear. Last night we went and redeemed their $15 off coupon for Pawlette a bunny. Thankfully Ariel was sold on the idea of a furry friend that was $16.50 making theirs only $1.50 each before tax. Ha - luckily she is still young enough not to want the fancy colorful bears or add clothes and accessories. This time I helped Annabelle name her bunny Roni Pupster. Ariel named her bunny Hopster Red. It has been 2 weeks since we had to say goodbye on this earth and while I've finally been able to go almost a whole day without crying about you I still find ways to incorporate you into my life. Ariel has been saying how much she misses you and that she hopes you can come home in November. I wish you could come home and live with us again. I find myself still doubting and feeling sad that I might never see you again at rainbow bridge. It is after all a made up story made to help us cope and feel better about the restoration of your health and the possibility of meeting again. I never even accepted the slight possibility of heaven until losing you. I so desperately hope I get to see you again one day and hold you in my arms again, kiss your head and rub your ears.
A comment that I read on my pet loss support group. "Don't go back to the what ifs they are meaningless now focus on the good times and happy memories." In a way this blog has helped me relive some happy memories and for that I am thankful.
Relaxing at an Asian Festival I believe this was at NTC Park Liberty Station in San Diego, CA
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