Monday, November 24, 2003

First Day Home

When we got to the house on Wills Creek Road the girl set up my bed, gave me some food and a bowl of water. She then took me for a short walk around the block where I was able to take in the new scents and sounds. Large vehicles were intimidating and startled me. I couldn't help but slink down every time one passed even though this girl would giggle at me.

When we got home, she tied me up to door and went upstairs. She seemed really torn up about having to study for an Accounting final that she had tomorrow and having to take care of this "Ralph" at the same time.

30 minutes later she really gave me a scare because I didn't recognize her. She wrapped her hair in a big white thing and was wearing a pillow sheet that had a tie. I wet the floor and she proceeded to step in it and get upset again. A while after she was done with me everything went dark. I was scared and decided to bark until she came downstairs. She wrapped me in the same type of thing she wrapped her head earlier and took me in with her to the couch. It was the best night of sleep I had in a long time. 

Sunday, November 23, 2003

The Day I Met My Mom

It was a warm Sunday afternoon, November 23rd 2003 to be exact. I was still tired from my exam and recovering from my surgery at Helen Woodward Animal Center. The people in white coats said I had worms and a strange gait. "Huff" to them I thought. I was too tired to be concerned with this place With all the barking dogs and people saying, "Spirit" as they passed. It was most comforting to avoid eye contact. I stood in a daze in the middle of the concrete, with vomit to my right and occasionally being taken out to be greeted by strangers. I overheard one them say "Spirit is too shy."

In the late afternoon, there were 2 more people standing outside my confinement. The girl was very reluctant and timid and the man with her was going on about liking "Angie the mini pin better." I didn't pay too much attention to them. When the Helen Woodward people took me from them I thought it would finally be rest time. To my confusion they took my around the side and brought me to another room. A room filled with receptionist, people, a gift shop and the girl. Something was different this time, she was holding items from the gift shop; a pet bed, food and a red collar. She gave the items to the gentleman who I now know as Uncle Kevin. I remember being handed over to her and being so thrilled that I jumped into her arms where she gingerly wrapped her hands around my tiny body. For the first time, as the two of them walked me to a bronze infinity, I felt excitement and comfort for this undiscovered adventure that lay ahead. Maybe it was because I sensed the same fear and bewilderment from this girl who I now call Mom.

First night at my new home.